Recording Studio Services

If you’re a beginner wanting an introduction to working int he recording studio – or if you are working on a project and need to put down vocals, we can help you with that and have a specialized program to getcha there.

Studio Package for Absolute Beginners – $2500

For those who are absolutely beginners but who want to record a demo, we have a 15 lesson series with Ellie plus you get Ellie in the recording studio with you for 3 hours guiding you through the recording process, explaining stuff to you, showing you how to address the mike, helping with guiding vocals if you get lost, and managing the time and directing the recording engineer – plus helping select the final cuts.  The package includes 15 private sessions to get the fundamentals and work with the backing tracks to perfect your performance, in-studio work with you and the recording engineer.  The fees for the engineer and the 3 hours of studio time is included in your package.  After you complete the recording, it’s suggested that you have it professionally mixed and mastered which will be up to you to work out with the studio at additional cost, if you choose to do it.  This package is $2500

Working Musician Studio Package – $1600

For those who already have some experience with singing but need to get a performance into shape to put down some vocals one or more tracks, we have a 7 session package which also includes 3 hours of studio time with Ellie there to guide you.  Included in this package is 7 50-minute sessions, plus 3 hours with Ellie in the studio (she can help you with any of the aspects listed in the previous package or just the parts you need help or a second opinion on).  The price also includes the 3 hours of recording studio rental plus the fees for the audio engineer.  This package is $1600.  Additional hours with Ellie in the studio are available for $275 (includes the engineer, studio rental and Ellie) or you can continue without Ellie once you get the hang of it or get through the tough parts you need her for at their hourly rate (usually this is about $150).

Additional Info About Studio Services

Both these packages include vocals only.  If you are going in with the full band the same day as the instruments, that is available but it is an extra $275 and includes four hours in the studio instead of 3.  “Punching in” or doing straight vocals without the instruments can be done at the original package rate (3 hours studio time).  Ellie can help you find and work with backing tracks if you are making a cover demo.

If you want to add in a few sessions with Ellie in addition to your package lessons, you can add in up to 5 at the rate of $120 each. Additional hours in the studio with Ellie are $130/hr

How to Book These Packages

To book one of these packages, simply click here for the 7-lesson Musician Recording Package, or here for the 15-lesson Beginner Recording Package OR contact our awesome office manager Hazel Huang at 212-736-3118 / Singing.Lessons.NYC(at)gmail.  Recording studio work is super fun!
