This is a package of 10 50-minute online private lessons. This series must be completed within 1 year of purchase date and is $1299. You may convert any or all of your lessons to in-person sessions to take in San Diego, San Francisco, or NYC as needed. (Book this session)
Discounts You Can Score
To get Artist discount ($50 off):
- Link to us on your website (social media won’t work – it’s gotta be a website) – ask Ellie for details on the link. It’s not weird.
- Put your credit card into the system to hold your session time, but select to not have it charged.
- Then contact Ellie to pay via cash, VenMo (username: eleonor-england) or Paypal Friends and Family – ask Ellie for the credentials to send out to
That’s it! Done!
How To Access Your Skype Lesson
- We love Skype and the people at Skype and want them to succeed, but right now it is too unreliable and we are giving lessons in Zoom which is very similar to Skype but right this second is more reliable. (We hope to return to Skype at a later day)
- To access your “Skype” online lesson through Zoom, do not open Skype. You will be sent a link via email the day before your lesson. Click that link to test your conncection to Zoom. Once you know it works with your setup, come back to the link and click it one minute ahead of your online lesson start time and Ellie will meet you there!
Credits for this package expire 1 year after purchase date.
- You may record your sessions as long as they don’t end up on BitTorrent or YouTube or something!
- Pamela is a program you can add to Skype on your laptop that will record your sessions.