About Us

Singing Lessons NYC was founded in San Francisco!  That’s right!  Back in 1999, Jazz vocalist and vocal coach Eleonor England was in San Francisco and had an idea for an accessible vocal training program.  We’re founded on the principal that professional level vocal training should be available to everyone – and that people who teach voice should be treated better by the studios.

Back in the day, Ellie noticed that a lot of her “star” clients who went on to playing major venues, recording Grammy-nominated records, and who made careers for themselves as singers aren’t necessarily the same people who could afford the premium prices for premium training.  She set her sights on hiring the best teachers available to teach students of all income levels, races, LGBTQIAA2S+ identity, genders, and backgrounds.  As a SF-founded studio, we have a particular interest in serving the LGBTQIAA2S+ and Asian communities.

Jazz musicians are often a teaching class, along with classical musicians, and have over the years provided lessons and knowledge to singers in other genres who need a little help.  It is from this background that Singing Lessons NYC came into being once Ellie moved her base of operations to NYC.

Ellie keeps track of the demographics of the studio staff/faculty as well as the student body to make sure we are serving the greater community.  She also personally hires the teachers from the best vocal pedagogy programs in the US.  While it’s pretty common to hire people with a bachelors in performance at teaching studios, we believe you get better results when teachers know how to sing, but also how to teach singing – which not every performer can do.  The teachers for the adults program have a minimum of 2 years vocal pedagogy training at top post-graduate university programs.  As of August 2021, the associates are from Columbia University, one of the leading vocal pedagogy departments in the US.  And just in case, Ellie insists on a money-back guarantee for all 1st lessons if the lesson didn’t come off up to our standards.  All you hafta do is arrive on time and let us know how it went after the session.

We hope to see you in a session and that we can get to work with you toward your musical goals!  Please let us know if you have any questions, and let’s sing together!

– Eleonor England

Voice Studios of Eleonor England dba Singing Lessons NYC
